I've spent the last couple of mondays I've had off baking. I love baking, getting messy and eating raw mix :D. Yesterday was the turn of Banana Chocolate cake, I bastardized an existing recipie for victoria sponge, adding bananas and substituting some flour for cocoa powder. I think I put too much banana in it though, it is a BIT too banana-ry. I also melted some white chocolate to put on top. Not that it all made it to the cake of course! I love the cake mold, its a pink silione star from Paperhase, i bought two just after christmas as they were half prie (£2.50!). Only thing is it burnt the outside before the inside was cooked, so i think in the future it will need to be cooked lower for longer....
And last week was the turn cookies. I always attempt to make them, and they never turn out how I want.
I made peanut butter, because He wouldn't shut up untill they were made, and some chocolate ones for me. I made him some, and He has only eaten TWO! I'm not impressed.
The New Year also sparks a new enthusiam for knitting and crochet. Both things I had attempted to learn before Christmas, and the knitting i made a few simple presents with, but the crochet just totally perplexed me... But, none the less, I attempted a cute animaguri bird, from a pattern book i got free with this months Lets Knit;
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